
Joshua is unavailable, but you can change that!

Reading Joshua can be, frankly, a jarring experience. Serious, troubling questions about God’s attitude toward his created peoples arise, questions with no easy answer. But the book of Joshua presents itself, warts (and wars!) and all, and asks readers to let it tell its story from its point of view and out of its ancient context. It asks them to give it the benefit of the doubt and permit it to...

How would they know what the “Dorcas Circle” and “Sunday School” are? How would they know which class to attend—the “Kingdom Builders,” “Overcomers,” or “Bereans”? Would they know the difference between “pneumatology” and “eschatology” or between an “invocation” and a “benediction”? If the pastor mentions the “Pauline epistles,” would they wonder who “Pauline” was? The fact of the matter is that the larger culture is more “pagan” than “Christian.” This means that the cultural distance between the
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